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Accidents that can lead to spinal cord injuries

Accidents that can lead to spinal cord injuries

saam smith701 30-Oct-2019

The human body has a complex structure made up of various bones, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and muscles. Any damage to one of this component can cause intense pain and can also reduce your ability to walk. However, there are various types of severe injuries that not only reduce the motion but also put the victim’s life at risk. They may experience coma, paralysis, and other life-threatening condition.

The spinal cord is also a necessary component of the human body. This also provides us balance, and provides support to our rib cage. There is also various type of nerves attached to the backbone, which sends a signal to the brain. Injuries can also damage these nerves and can make you permanently disabled. According to a survey, more than 1000 people suffer from spinal cord injuries only in the UK. These are the numbers which are able to claim the compensation.

Injuries that can cause spinal injuries

Road accident

Road accident is a common accident in which you can experience spinal injuries. In this, the rider usually experiences spinal injury from the lower side or from the most upper side, where the neck is attached. Both conditions are severe, and you may also experience paralysis.

In a road accident, when you get hit by a moving vehicle, you fall on your back on the road surface. This impact can break your bones and vertebrae too. To avoid this type of injuries in an accident, you should wear proper safety gadgets and equipment. Along with safety equipment, you should also follow traffic rules defined according to the law.

Fall from height

Falling from height is also a common accident. As you know, when you fall unintentionally, your back due to the heavyweight turns towards the surface. As a result, your backbone might get broken. You can also experience other severe injuries such as head injuries. These accidents are common in construction sites and during the maintenance work.

Slip trip and fall

Slip trip or fall is common accidents. These type of accidents can occur anywhere while walking on the road, shopping in a mall, or visiting your friend’s house. These accidents severely damage your backbone from the lowest portion. This injury makes you unable to walk or move for a couple of years. Furthermore, you can also feel the pain in the affected area years after the occurrence of the accident.

Industrial accidents

In industries, workers or employees usually deal with heavy objects and machinery. When these objects or machinery, collides with other objects, they start to free fall. If free fall objects hit you, especially around the neck or shoulder area, they may cause serious problems. It’s the responsibility of the employer to provide the proper safety equipment to their employees so that they can work in a secure and safe environment.

What to do after getting spinal injuries?

Spinal injuries should be treated on its first phase. If you delay the treatment, you may worsen your condition. For example, if your backbone is injured in any type of accident, which can be a road accident, slip trip, or fall from a height, you shouldn’t delay the medical treatment. After getting an injury in an accident, you should first call the police to secure the area. However, if you can’t move, you can simply ask someone near you to call the police. Now, it’s the responsibility of the police to help you out, secure the accident area, collect the evidence, and provide you treatment.

The doctor will deeply check your health condition, and may also refer you to a specific department. Now, it’s the responsibility of that department to start your treatment. They might do some tests of your body and brain, to make sure that what the effects of accidents on your body are. After this, they will make a complete report on your health situation.

Seeking solicitor’s help

You can also seek the help of personal injury solicitor to claim the compensation. Personal injury solicitor is something above than normal attorney. They might help you in various ways. He can also help you to get the maximum amount of compensation claim from the liable party. Personal injury solicitor can also train you to answer the questions of the insurance company.

Personal injury solicitor Blackburn can help you to gather the evidence from the accident area. He can also contact the eyewitness to record their statements according to the law. All these steps will make your claim worthy, and as a result, you will get the maximum amount of compensation.

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